What Did You Do Today?

Usually we answer with our highlights or NOTHING.  Recently, I have crossed into another whole dimension of mommyhood that I think is here way too soon.  I have now seen the dreaded eye rolls and  the complete thought out answer of “nothing” when asked what did you do in school today?  Yes, I know all about specific questioning like what was your favorite thing today etc.  But, as I said this is a whole new attitude in my little life!  So, as I am evaluating myself and how I need to restructure our home, schedule and even my attitude, I found that I answered a friend with “nothing” to what we did this weekend. Oops! I am one important role model for my little treasures and sometimes it is easy to forget.

So, what did we do today?  I will skip the endless supply of laundry, never-ending dish pile and changing of the light bulbs.


Major excavation in backyard looking for worms. Outcome, beautiful home with flower beds made in jar,

but no worm friends to be found.



Boogie boarding in the desert.  After riding bikes and scooters come the more creative activities

like pulling a boogie board on the skate board. Whee!



Then, a little hunting for mesquite pods to make “bean soup” which is the equivalent of mudpie when I grew up.  Lauren is hard for me to get on camera because she just likes to do the opposite

of what I want!  So, here she is having a great day making soup.


Last, we go inside to make sure our new Christmas present, “Rainbow the Fish,” is well and not noticed by Oscar the Cat.  A little play time with Oscar and then on to the normal house

stuff like getting clean ond off to make dinner.  So, THAT IS WHAT WE DID TODAY.  Hope your day was filled with wonder and joy!


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